Tom and Jenn

Jenn, Olivia, and Tom

Another of Jenn, Olivia, and Tom

Olivia and Kaylee on the dining room porch

Nathan, Josh, Olivia, and Kaylee riding their bikes.

Who said you have to be a kid to ride bikes? Grandpas can too!

Gwen, Kaylee, Jeff, Josh, and Nathan on September 4, 2006

Jeff insisted on giving Gwen a kiss!

Jeff and Gwen

Nathan, Tommy, Brian, and Josh playing cards in the dining room.

This is our family: Left to right starting with the backrow:

Brian, Amy, Mike, Tommy, Jenn, Marie (mom), Chuck (dad), Gwen, Jeff, Nathan, Josh, Kaylee, and Olivia

This was a picture taken of all of us when we were little.

Jeff is the oldest (top), then Brian (right), then Tommy (left), then Amy (bottom)


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