October 6, 2006

Let me begin by saying that the funeral service for Jeff was perfect.  It was so encouraging to hear the stories from everyone who shared, and to hear that the Jeff that everyone shared about was totally in line with how we all knew him.  I would like to get copies of all the tributes that were read for my own personal keepsake and also to post them on the website.  If anyone out there could spread the word to those who shared, that would be great.  At the calling hours the family set up a station where guests could share a memory of Jeff that we will put into a collection for his kids.  I want to thank everyone for that and if there is anyone who was unable to attend or who missed the opportunity, please send those to myself or one of the family members.  The stories and memories are an important part of remembering Jeff, but most of all they all point to the his relationship with Jesus Christ.  That common thread runs through his whole life. 

As I heard people share about Jeff's life, I couldn't help but think of my own life and I am sure many of you did the same.  I fear that my testimony would pale in comparison to Jeff's.  And when you stack it up next to the ultimate example of Jesus . . . well, I am even further from the mark.  So much time is wasted by things that don't honor the Lord and if I think back, I don't remember Jeff wasting any minute of the day.  For me, his testimony is stronger now after his departure than it was while he was with us.  The facts are still the same, but it just hits me now in places where I might not have been reached before.  I will honor his life, a life that points to Christ.  I do this, not so that people will have nice things to say about me someday, but because that is what my Father in Heaven has called me to do. 

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship."  Romans 12: 1

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